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The Complete Guide to Virtual Property Showings

Virtual property showings have become a mainstay in real estate marketing efforts for a year now since they are the closest you can get to an in-person experience. While many of us long for the day we can safely step foot anywhere we want, the truth is, virtual showings are here to stay! Buyers and sellers are loving the convenience it provides, and by now, most everyone is an expert at video conferencing.

But that doesn’t mean it’s time to take your foot off the pedal. Complacency leaves no room for growth. You’ve had a full year to get pretty darn good at virtual showings, but guess what? So have your competitors.

So we created a complete guide to virtual property showings which will show you how to continuously improve your services. Read on below!

App Adaptability

Making your service as accessible and convenient as possible is crucial, especially right now. Being flexible can go a long way! Be ready to download whatever app your clients are most comfortable with for your virtual showing, whether that be Zoom, FaceTime, Webex, Google Hangouts, or WhatsApp. We’re positive there are plenty more apps you could possibly use, too. Show your clients you can adapt to many interfaces and make the virtual showing experience more enjoyable for them, not the other way around. 

Specificity in Scheduling 

The beautiful thing about hosting virtual showings is that it introduces you to potential buyers from other geographical regions. Remote is remote, after all. That being said, you may forget to consider time zone differences when scheduling showings. When your sellers and buyers are on a strict schedule and have carved time out of their day so that they can tour a home, being punctual is crucial and shows that you are a true professional. Luckily, most apps allow you to create calendar invites you can send out to clients that they can download right into their personal calendars, and it will show exactly when they need to go log in. When looking to set times and dates for showings, don’t forget to include time zones. You can go the extra mile and make it easier for your client by providing the time zone stamp relevant to their location, too.  

Declutter and Discard 

Virtual showings need the same level of effort and attention as real-life showings, especially when it comes to cleanliness. Clutter will only distract potential buyers from the important aspects of the home, and it won’t feel like a future home. It will just look like someone else’s home, which is the last thing you want as a real estate agent. Offer tips and tricks on de-personalization and storing personal belongings so that it’s out of sight, out of mind. Better yet, create a cleaning and de-cluttering guide for sellers so they can put their best foot forward when listing their property on the market. Prepare a home for a virtual showing the same way you should prepare it for a professional photo or video shoot with your favourite media team. Striving to make a space magazine-worthy can go a long way!

Constant Connectivity

“Oh, sorry, you cut out!” “My WiFi is lagging, just one second!” After a year of Zoom happy hours and Webex meetings, we hear these exclamations more often than we’d like. One of the greatest obstacles to working virtually is maintaining a reliable and consistent Internet connection. Given the highly digital world we live in today, it’s crucial that you maintain consistent connectivity during virtual showings so it doesn’t take away from the client experience, and you can focus on showing off a home they would really really like. Consider upgrading to be a bigger and better data plan to help your business run more smoothly. Your clients may give you grace the first few times you disconnect, but after a while, it does get old and they’ll begin to wonder if you’re truly as up-to-date with technology and trends as you marketed yourself to be.

Show Size

Effectively communicating exact measurements helps buyers understand the value of the property. It’s difficult for clients to see the dimensions of rooms, hallways, doors, and ceilings when everything is being seen through such a tiny screen. Does the property have floor-to-ceiling windows? How tall are they, in feet? Are you taking your clients through a wide hallway? What’s the width, in metres? Providing them with exact facts, figures, and measurements, including height, width, and depth will help them narrow down their choices. It will also demonstrate how knowledgeable you are as an agent and remind them why they chose to work with you instead of the others in your city!

Sona Tip: Almost all types of virtual tours allow you to get these measurements in minutes! Both iGUIDE and Matterport 3D technologies allow you to take measurements of spaces and features within them, so buyers can ensure their furniture will fit before they step into the property. The more information you can provide your clients, the more empowered they’ll be when searching for their next investment. 

Succinct Summary

Debriefing your client is always a good idea. Just like real-life showings, providing a short summary of what your client just saw and the next steps will facilitate the real estate process. Feel free to ask your clients what they liked and didn’t like about the virtual showing experience, and incorporate these discoveries into your next showing so you can improve your customer service. People want to work with realtors who are always striving to better their services!

The Sona Standard

Clients need one-on-one time with their realtors. That’s a given. And sometimes, clients need to explore homes at their own pace, on their own time, from the comfort of their own homes. That’s why we provide both Matterport 3D and iGUIDE technologies, so you can offer a 24-7 digital open house to buyers. Sona Visual uses the most innovative property marketing tools, offered at competitive rates with the fastest turnaround times. Get in touch with us at [email protected] and let’s level up your marketing!