03 Feb How to Use Content Marketing in Real Estate
While social media is a wonderful short and sweet way to connect with others in the industry in real-time, it’s important to address that most potential clients will go online (and end up on your website!) for Calgary real estate related content that offers valuable information and answers to their questions. This is what content marketing is all about – it’s about freely sharing tutorial-style information thats worthwhile on it’s own in order to sell something related later.
Turn your website into a content marketing hub.
By creating compelling content, people will appreciate your enthusiasm for the work that you do. They will instantly recognize you as an authority who can offer valuable information. You can also add a little bit of your personality, too!
Some tools that a smart content marketing strategy may require:
1. A blog: To start delivering regular content in an organized way
2. An e-mail marketing software : To generate, reach, inform and follow-up with leads. People who have opted in who are genuinely interested in receiving updates from you! Our Visual Edition™ newsletter is created using Mailchimp.
Once you have a platform, what kind of content should you produce?
When it comes to content marketing and real estate, you need to go beyond just your listings. Put yourself in your client’s perspective – what kind of information would you be looking for if you were a buyer? Or a seller? Start off by covering basic Home Buying and Selling 101. You can even create a resource that covers all of your frequently asked questions. Above all, make it interested to read… or better yet, watch.
You can create area guides about your city, free reports, anything! Take every specific question a client asks you, generalize the answer, and turn it into a blog post for your larger audience. The content opportunities are endless.
How can Sona Visual help you?
If you’re tight for time, consider getting comfortable in front of the camera and going the video route! We’re introducing a number of projects with our amazing clients, such as vlogs and other agent marketing services to really put all those video statistics to work. Overall, video drives conversions, has better retention rates, improves online and offline marketing campaigns, and even boosts SEO.
If you’re interested in improving your content marketing for your business – get in touch with us today!